Rent a Puppy in Turks and Caicos

Potcake Place puppies in Turks and Caicos

In Turks and the Bahamas, pups called “potcakes” roam the islands. Why the silly name? Traditionally, there were so many indigenous dogs on the island that locals would often feed the pups scrapings from their pots and pans. Over the years, an increasingly restricted gene pool combined with unregulated mating formed the Caribbean-recognized breed: the Potcake.

Potcakes have a few distinct characteristics: they often have short, smooth fur void of any undercoat; cocked ears; a hound-like rib cage and long terrier shaped faces. Adult potcakes stand about 24 inches high at the shoulder, and weigh anywhere from 35-55 pounds depending on their diet and bone structure.

These pups are so rampant on Turks that one islander founded Potcake Place, a volunteer-based foster program for the dogs. Locals can volunteer to house a potcake for 2-3 weeks and tourists can take the pups out for a day on the beach. Potcake Place provides all the food, toys, and veterinary care, all volunteers provide is love. The pups are fostered until a family comes along to adopt them, and according to founder Jane Parker-Rauw, these dogs are most often adopted by Americans on vacation. In 20 years of business, over 6,000 dogs have traveled north to their forever families.

One new potcake owner raves, “Dewey is everything I was hoping for in a new member of our family! Everything went without a hitch because you had every detail for a successful adoption taken care of.”

man holding puppy in Turks and Caicos
man holding puppy in Turks and Caicos

Owners often praise the dog’s trainability, keen wits, and affectionate nature. Because potcakes are raised in foster care with loving volunteers rather than a typical animal shelter, they often arrive trained and housebroken to their forever owners.

If you’ve recently booked a trip to Turks and Caicos, feel free to drop by the Potcake Place headquarters in Saltmills Plaza in the Grace Bay area of Providenciales. Not ready to adopt? Feel free to take a puppy out to the beach for a few hours- Potcake Place will provide everything you need. Not going to Turks anytime soon? We can change that! WhereToStay offers Turks and Caicos villas of all sizes. What better way to relax on your next vacation than with man’s best friend?

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